Beziehungen zwischen slawischen Ortsnamentypen, Bodenwerten und Besiedlung. Dargestellt an der Oberlausitz
Mit zwei mehrfarbigen Karten
DOI :és :
In our 'Upper Lausitz Book of Place Names' the Slavic place names are given on eight colered maps with reference to soil value, in order to be able to determine the historical classification of the types of Slavic place names more precisely and to draw conclusions concerning the history of land-settlements. As a result it appears that the patronymic place names ending in -ici and -owici, as well as the habitative names ending in -jane and -y only occur where the soil was good, with values ranging between 50 and 70 points on a scale of 10 to 100. Other place names, including those ending in -jb, -ow, -in etc. also appear in rare instances here, but occur predominantly in areas of poor quality soil with values ranging between 20 und 50 points. They are therefore to be considered as later formations. Thus the oldest areas of land-settlement can be defined quite accurately and separated from later land-settlements. Our article presents a summary of the section in our book of place names dealing with the history of land-settlement and is illustrated with two new maps.Téléchargements
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