Information For Authors

The NI is published as both a print and online journal. By submitting a manuscript, you also give your consent for online publication. The languages of publication are German, English, and French.

All submitted texts undergo a double-blind peer review. They may be rejected or returned for revision based on the corresponding review.

Since 2023, the online edition is published simultaneously with the print edition (Gold Open Access).

The journal Namenkundliche Informationen (NI) is an open-access journal. All contributions are published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0) license and can be used freely under the terms of the license. Users are entitled to read, download, copy, share, print, search, link to, or use the full texts of the articles for other lawful purposes without prior permission from the editors or authors. This complies with the Open Access definition of the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI).

No exclusive transfer of exploitation rights (Copyright Transfer) to the journal takes place. By submitting their manuscripts, the authors agree to publication under the Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license.

The journal charges a publication fee (Article Processing Charges) of 200 Euros per article if it is institutionally funded (by a university, DFG, FWF, SNF, or similar).

Authors, please take note of the NI editorial guidelines for manuscript preparation here and download the current writing template (already with embedded Dinamlex font and all required formatting templates) here.